Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Time travellers: story
adjective - having a strong feeling towards somebody, feeling as if you want to shout at them
noun - a special day that is exactly a number of years after a special event, e.g. wedding etc.
noun - the feeling of a place
noun - a structure that leads over a river, valley etc., usually made of metal, stone or wood
noun - a period of one hundred years
noun - a kind of a village house
noun - many people at one place
verb - to become impossible to see or find
verb - to find or see something that nobody has seen or even known of before you
adjective - wicked, very bad, opposite of 'good'
adjective - liked more than others
noun - the green plants that grow everywhere in meadows, football fields, lawns etc., animals such as sheep or cows eat it
noun - an area of land that belongs to a building etc.
noun - a person whose job is to protect somebody from harm
verb - to enter a territory or country by force
noun - a place with smooth short grass
verb - to become lost, not knowing how to go back
noun - a person who delivers messages between people
noun - a large house where a very important person lives
noun - a track for walking along
noun - a place where criminals are locked up
noun - a kind of a statue of a person or an object made from stone, wood etc.; the art of making these things
verb - to shake from cold
noun - an activity often done by tourists in which they go from one place to another and they look at buildings, statues, churches etc.
adjective - not usual, difficult to understand
adjective - having a bad and uncomfortable feeling
verb - to tell someone about a danger
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