Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
The Day of the Dead
noun - believing something or somebody
adjective - belonging to the main religion of Tibet and central Asia
noun - a thing that is made of wax, it has a wick which you can light in order to see in the dark
adjective - belonging to the main stream of Christianity in Europe, e.g. the main religion of Spain, Ireland etc.
noun - an occassion when you are happy and enjoying yourself because something good has happened or because it is a special day (e.g. a birthday)
noun - a place with many graves of people
adjective - not alive
noun - the main and most important part of something
noun - a kind of church for Muslims
adjective - belonging to the main religion of Arabic countries
noun - a nice smelling liquid that people put on their skin
noun - a good religious person who is respected greatly esp. after his/her death
noun - the part of a person which is not physical, the spiritual part of a person
noun - a shape which represents something
noun - a large building where religious ceremonies take place and where people go to pray
noun - a thing (usually a piece of wood) which is burning on one end and can be carried to give light
noun - a person who is on a holiday, usually in a foreign country
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