Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Kitchen, table manners etc.
noun - a deep round container, usually used for holding food, liquids etc.
noun - a small dish, we usually drink tea or coffee out of it
noun - a prepared food
noun - the part of the body where the arm can bend in the middle
noun - a small tool with sharp points, we use it when we eat for putting meat etc. in our mouth
noun - it has a thumb and four fingers, you have got two of them
interjection - the words you say when you are having a toast with somebody
noun - the part of your face below your mouth
noun, British English - fried long thin pieces of potatoes
noun - a sweet frozen mixture that people love eating especially on hot summer days
noun - a kind of jelly-like thing that is made of fruits and people put it on bread or in cakes etc.
noun - a sharp metal object which you can use for cutting things
noun - the area on the upper legs of a person who is sitting
noun - a large, heavy fruit with a very juicy middle and a very thick skin
noun - a piece of cloth or soft paper that you use to wipe your mouth with after you've finished eating
noun - the part of the body that connects your head to your body
noun - spaghetti, macaroni, lasagna etc.
noun - a flat round dish that you eat from
noun - a metal container used for cooking in
noun - a kind of round metal pot with a handle that you use to cook in
noun - a small round flat dish, you usually put a cup of tea or coffee on it
noun - a mixture of meat filled in a thin tube
noun - an tool that you use for eating with, esp. for soups etc.
noun - a thick flat piece of meat, especially beef of good quality
noun - a piece of cloth or other material spread over a table
noun - a small spoon that is used for preparing tea etc.
noun - a slice of bread that is made crispy and brown on the sides by heating it
noun - an occassion in which people raise a glass of wine etc. together and wish each other happiness etc.
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