Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Accidents and emergencies
noun - something unpleasant that happens by chance (not planned)
noun - a vehicle used for transporting sick or injured people quickly to hospital
noun - a container filled with explosives
verb - to make something into two or more pieces
noun - a person who comes into somebody's house in order to steal things from it
verb - to be on fire
noun - a small thing that is pressed in order to operate a machine etc.
verb - to start burning
noun - a place in a foreing country where an official of your country works and can help you in case of an accident etc.
adjective - not safe, could cause injury or death
noun - a document that allows you to drive a car, motorcycle, truck etc.
verb - to die by being underwater and unable to breathe, to let somebody die in this way
noun - the power that is produced by power plants, and that is needed to run modern machines, lamps, computers etc.
verb - To blow up, to burst, to make a very loud noise and cause damage
noun - a place in the room where you can light a fire
noun - a situation in which water rises above its usual level and covers places that are normally dry
noun - a substance that is not solid or liquid, such as air
noun - the floor that is on the same level as the ground
noun - a weapon that shoots bullets
adjective - harmed or hurt
verb - to end somebody's life
noun - a person who attacks somebody and steals his money and valuables
noun - a number of things put together and covered in paper or in a box
noun - a document that serves for your identification when you travel abroad
noun - a thing that you use to stop water draining from a container (e.g. from a bath tub etc.)
verb - to insert the plug into a socket
verb - to push something firmly
verb - to save somebody from a harmful or dangerous situation (e.g. in the mountains etc.)
noun - a very strong unpleasant surprise
verb - to take something that is not yours
verb - to turn off (the light etc.)
verb - to turn on (the light etc.)
verb - to pull the plug out of a socket
noun - a person who is hurt or killed in an accident etc; a person against whom a crime has been committed
noun - a small thing in which you carry your money, it is usually made of leather or plastic
noun - a person who has seen a crime etc. and can tell the police about what happened
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