Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
The trip in a Trabant car
noun - something unpleasant that happens by chance (not planned)
verb - (of police) to take somebody prisoner in order to ask them about a crime
verb - (of a machine) to stop working properly
noun - the chief city of a country or state
verb - to have the price of
verb - to hit something violently, e.g. as an accident in a car etc.
noun - a metal pipe at the back of a car through which the waste gases escape from the engine
verb - to become loose and drop down
noun - a person whose job is to protect somebody from harm
noun - a trip from one place to another
verb, British English - to fix something that has been broken or not working properly
noun - a person who does music, esp. as a job
noun - a bad or scary dream
verb - to put things into containers, cases, boxes etc.
noun - the institution or men and women whose job is to protect people, make everybody obey the law, catch criminals etc.
verb - to form a line, esp. when waiting for something along with many people
adjective - corroded because of the effect of water and air
verb - to start a journey
verb - to give money to pay for something
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