Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
státy a národnosti
adjective - connected with or coming from the USA
noun - the largest country in Latin America, where people speak Portuguese
adjective - connected with or coming from Brazil
adjective - connected with or coming from Great Britain
noun - an area that has its own government
preposition - beginning at, sent by, out of; indicating the place where something started, began, originated etc.
noun - the island where England, Scotland and Wales are located
adjective - coming from or connected with Italy
noun - a European country, its capital is Rome
noun - an Asian country, its capital is Tokyo
adjective - coming from or connected with Japan
noun - being a member of a country
noun - a large country that lies both in Europe and Asia, its capital is Moscow
adjective - connected with or coming from Russia
adjective - coming from or connected with Thailand
noun - a country in Southeast Asia, its capital is Bangkok
noun - a Eurasian country, its capital is Ankara
adjective - connected with or coming from Turkey
noun - a federation of 50 states, the capital is Washington DC
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