Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
dny v týdnu, činnosti pro volný čas
noun, British English - a building where you go to see a film
noun - the fifth day of the week, the last working day
noun - a person who you like and know well and who is not from your family
verb - to move from one place to another using your feet or a means of transport
verb - to walk for pleasure
verb - to go and buy the things that you need
verb, British English - to go see a movie
noun - the work that students usually get at school to do at home
noun - a message written on paper and sent to somebody in an envelope by mail
noun - the first day of the week
noun - sounds made into a nice and pleasant patterns, creating melodies and songs etc.
noun - large pieces of paper printed with latest information about politics, sport, culture etc., it is often published every day
noun - the sixth day of the week, the beginning of the weekend
verb - to visit somebody
verb - to visit people you like
noun - the last day of the week, the day when people usually do not work
noun - the fourth day of the week
noun - the second day of the week
noun - a box with a glass screen, where we can watch films, series and other programmes
verb - to go on foot
noun - a short trip made on foot, usually to relax and get some fresh air
verb - to look at something for a period of time
verb - to spend some time looking at a programme or programmes on TV
noun - the third day of the week
noun - seven days; a period of seven days, usually Monday through Sunday
noun - the two days (Saturday and Sunday) when people usually don't go to work
verb - to put words on paper with a pen etc.
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