Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
adverb - in front of
preposition - in the direction of the length of
noun - a person whose job is to make bread and rolls and cakes, etc.
noun - a building where you can put or take out money, take a loan etc.
noun - a shop where you can buy books
noun, British English - a place where you can park a car
noun, British English - a building where you go to see a film
adverb - in what way or manner
noun, British English - a person who sells medicine, shampoo, soap etc.
noun - a building or a room where you can read a book or borrow it
noun - a place in the street where you can buy things
noun - a building where you can post letters, parcels etc.
noun - a place where you can have a drink
noun - a place where you can have a meal
noun - a place where you can take a train
adjective - not curled or bent or curved
verb - to change direction, to the right or left
adverb - at / to which place
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