Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
verb - to get something and pay for it
verb - to move your body in the rhythm of music
verb - to take liquid, such as water, into your body through your mouth
verb - to control a car; to go by car somewhere and sit behind the wheel
verb - to put on clothes
verb - to wake up and leave the bed in the morning
verb - to experience or enjoy (a holiday, a good weekend etc), to use (e.g. a shower, bath), eat (e.g. breakfast, lunch, dinner)
verb - to have your body in a flat position, like when you are resting or sleeping
verb - to do an activity in order to have fun, to take part in a sport or game
verb - look at words or a piece of text and understand it
verb - to move very quickly on your feet
verb - to visit somebody
verb - to buy things that you need
verb - to rest your body on a chair, sofa etc
verb - to be upright, on your feet
verb - to finish or end something
verb - to go on foot
verb - to clean with water
verb - to look at something for a period of time
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