Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
noun - the place at the seaside with sand, where you can lie, sunbathe, play etc.
verb - to go on a trip and stay in a tent
noun - a box-shaped thing in which you put your things when you go on holiday
noun - a large town with many people
verb - to receive
noun - a piece of clothing that covers your head
verb - to come together, to see each other, to introduce each other
noun - very high hills
noun - the desert areas of central Australia
verb - to put things into containers, cases, boxes etc.
noun - a means of transport that flies through the air and carries many passengers, it has two wings
noun - a large body of salty water, smaller and not as deep as an ocean
verb - to use or pass time
noun - a piece of paper that enables you to use a train, bus etc, or lets you enter a theatre, cinema etc.
verb - to have something, usually clothes, on your body
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