Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Představování, čísla 20 – 100
noun - a person who takes part in a competition
determiner - 80
determiner - 50
determiner - 40
adjective - wonderful, excellent; very important
determiner - 100
noun - a European country, its capital is Budapest
determiner - a great many
noun - an adult male person, not a woman
determiner - 90
noun - an occasion where people come to have fun, eat, and drink and sometimes dance
noun - a European country, its capital is Warsaw
determiner - 70
determiner - 60
noun - a person who teaches in a school, works with children and helps them with learning
determiner - 30
determiner - 1,000
determiner - 20
determiner - 21
noun - an adult female person, not a man
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