Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Narozeniny, řadové číslovky
noun - the fourth month of the year
noun - the third summer month
noun - the anniversary of your birth that you celebrate every year
noun - a statement of the day, month and year
noun - the last month of the year
determiner - coming next after the seventh in position, rank, or time
determiner - coming next after the tenth in position, rank, or time
noun - the second month of the year
determiner - coming next after the fourth in position, rank, or time
determiner - coming before all others in time or order
determiner - coming next after the third in position, rank, or time
adjective - pleased, not sad
noun - the first month of the year
noun - the second summer month
noun - the first summer month
noun - the first spring month
noun - the fifth month of the year
determiner - coming next after the eighth in position, rank, or time
noun - the third autumn month
noun - the second autumn month
determiner - coming next after the first in position, rank, or time
noun - the first autumn month
determiner - coming next after the sixth in position, rank, or time
determiner - coming next after the fifth in position, rank, or time
determiner - coming next after the ninth in position, rank, or time
determiner - coming next after the second in position, rank, or time
determiner - coming next after the twelfth in position, rank, or time
adverb - on this day
determiner - coming next after the eleventh in position, rank, or time
determiner - coming next after the nineteenth in position, rank, or time
determiner - coming next after the twentieth in position, rank, or time
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