Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Na závodech
adverb - from here, somewhere else
adjective - not interested and tired
noun - a thing with two glass lenses which helps you see better or protects your eyes from the sun
pronoun - something belonging to her
determiner - belonging to him
pronoun - something belonging to me
verb - to change the position of something, to go from one place to another
pronoun - something belonging to us
noun - a piece of sports equipment that is used in tennis etc. to hit the ball
noun - a place that you sit on or sit in (on a bus, in a theatre etc.)
noun - a kind of short trousers that cover your legs to the knees or shorter
adjective - foolish, not clever
noun - dark glasses that protect the eyes against direct sun
pronoun - something belonging to them
noun - a piece of paper that enables you to use a train, bus etc, or lets you enter a theatre, cinema etc.
pronoun - belonging to whom or what
noun - the way you write
pronoun - something belonging to you
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