Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Ve vesmíru
adjective - wonderful and exciting
noun - a person who travels into space
verb - to prepare food
noun - a test you do in order to discover something or learn something new
verb - to stay on top of water, to stay in the air
noun - a natural force that attracts things
verb - to recognize and understand by using the ears
noun - the body that moves around the earth at 28 day intervals, any natural satellite of a planet
verb - to rest by doing something enjoyable; to stop worrying
noun - the immensely huge place where there are stars, planets etc.
noun - the main actor or actress in a film
verb - to do a physical activity
adjective - feeling weak and sleepy when you have worked too much or slept little
adverb - with the top turned to the bottom
noun - everything around us, the planet where we live
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