Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
We'll be soaked!
adverb - to one's surprise
adjective - extremely bad
determiner - the two
adjective - (of weather) with clouds
adjective - quite cold, usually in a pleasant way; not hot or warm
adverb - accurately, correctly
adverb - excellently; wonderfully
adverb - distant; not nearby
noun - a sudden sharp light that quickly disappears again, e.g. on a camera, of lightning etc.
adjective - covered with fog
preposition - close to the front of something
noun - the flash of light you can see in the sky when there is a storm
preposition - below zero; less; the mathematical symbol -
noun - a bad or scary dream
adverb - used to say that something is likely to happen, it is almost sure to happen
noun - the drops of water that fall from the sky
adjective - full of rain, having a lot of rain
noun - the outer covering of the body
adjective - full of snow
adjective - completely wet
adjective - with very bad weather, with wind and rain
adjective - very frightened
noun - the loud noise you can hear during a storm
noun - rain, thunder and lightning together
adjective - not cold; making you feel not cold
verb - to find an answer
verb - to be anxious, to fear that something bad might happen
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