Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Try harder
adjective - wonderful and exciting
verb - to fasten something somewhere
noun - a state in which weight, force etc. is evenly distributed
noun - the line where the sea or ocean meets the dry land
adverb - greatly
verb - to stay on top of water, to stay in the air
adverb - in a gentle way
verb - to put something up in a way that the upper part is fixed and the lower part is loose, to be in such a position
verb - to have something in your hand
adjective - not able to be done, not possible
adverb - in an unbelievable way
adjective - not wanting to do any work, slow, unwilling
noun - a large piece of cloth that moves a ship when there is wind
noun - a tube that enables you to breathe when you are swimming with your head under the water surface
verb - to travel very fast or too fast
noun - a small motor boat that can travel at high speed
verb - to make a liquid fall or fly about in drops
verb - not to go to bed
verb - to fasten something firmly by turning it (e.g. a screw)
adverb - under the water surface
noun - the things or area that you can see from a particular place, e.g. from a window or a lookout point
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