Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
adjective - enjoying being in control of people and telling them what to do
noun - the line where the sea or ocean meets the dry land
verb - to have a different opinion
verb - to become impossible to see or find
noun - the study of our planet, countries, cities etc.
verb - to talk to somebody in an informal way
noun - a piece of land in the middle of a sea, ocean, lake etc.
noun - a school subject in which you do excercise, play games or do other sports
noun - a friend who you write letters with but do not know him in person
adjective - belonging to one person only
verb - to appear, to appear to be
verb - to make something look nice and neat; to arrange something in good order
adjective - not comfortable
adjective - in a state when you do not know about yourself and things around you
adverb - unluckily
adjective - not being lucky, having bad luck
adjective - not necessary
adjective - not liked by people
adjective - not common or ordinary
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