KET: Listening, sample 1, part 2

Vydáno dne 14.08.2006

Cvičný poslechový test cambridgeské zkoušky KET, část 2.

KET: Listening: Sample 1, Part 2

Listen to Tom talking to a friend about a sports afternoon.
What sport did each person do?
You will hear the recording twice.

Sam . . . . . . ________________________________ (1)

Jane . . . . . ________________________________ (2)

Paul . . . . . . ________________________________ (3)

Susan . . . . . ________________________________ (4)

Anne . . . . . ________________________________ (5)

    1. a) basketball
    2. b) football
    3. c) golf
    4. d) horse-riding
    5. e) skiing
    6. f) table-tennis
    7. g) tennis
    8. h) volleyball
    1. a) basketball
    2. b) football
    3. c) golf
    4. d) horse-riding
    5. e) skiing
    6. f) table-tennis
    7. g) tennis
    8. h) volleyball
    1. a) basketball
    2. b) football
    3. c) golf
    4. d) horse-riding
    5. e) skiing
    6. f) table-tennis
    7. g) tennis
    8. h) volleyball
    1. a) basketball
    2. b) football
    3. c) golf
    4. d) horse-riding
    5. e) skiing
    6. f) table-tennis
    7. g) tennis
    8. h) volleyball
    1. a) basketball
    2. b) football
    3. c) golf
    4. d) horse-riding
    5. e) skiing
    6. f) table-tennis
    7. g) tennis
    8. h) volleyball
Správné odpovědi: 1) skiing , 2) volleyball , 3) golf , 4) football , 5) table-tennis

Přepis nahrávky

Girl Did you go to the sports afternoon last Friday, Tom? I couldn't go.
Tom Yes, we had a great afternoon. We all did a new sport. I had some horse-riding lessons.
Girl Really! What did the others do?
Tom Well, Sam was happy. There's a dry ski slope there so he went skiing.
Girl Really? Did Jane do the same thing?
Tom She didn't want to. She played volleyball with some other people. She was tired after the game.
Girl What about Paul and Susan?
Tom Well, Paul wanted to try basketball, but they don't do that on Fridays – so he did golf. And Susan did very well. She played in a football team and got two goals!
Girl Great.......Did anyone play tennis?
Tom Nobody did that. Anne didn't want to do anything but she had to play something so she had a game of table-tennis.
Girl Did she like that?
Tom Yes ? I think so.
Girl Well, I hope I can go next time.


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