Reading: Dawson's Creek Episode Guide

Vydáno dne 07.09.2006

Test čtení s porozuměním. Přečtete si informace o jednotlivých epizodách první sezóny seriálu Dawsonův svět (Dawson's Creek), a odpovíte na osm otázek.

Read the episode guide to series one of Dawson's Creek and answer the questions below.

Dawson's Creek

Season 1

Used with permission.

Now answer the questions.
Write the number of the correct episode (0–12) into each field. TTT *1

  1. Do každého rámečku napište číslo odpovídající epizody 0–12

In which episode does one of the characters have sex for the first time? – Episode  ___________________________(1)

In which episode does someone die? – Episode ___________________________(2)

In which episode do two very good friends become enemies? – Episode  ___________________________(3)

In which episode does Joey get mad because Dawson falls for another girl? – Episode  ___________________________(4)

In which episode do people say things that are not very pleasant for Joey? – Episode  ___________________________(5)

In which episode does one of the characters probably get drunk? – Episode  ___________________________(6)

Which episode could have the title ‚Discovery‘? – Episode  ___________________________(7)

Which episode could have the title ‚The Scare‘? – Episode  ___________________________(8)

Správné odpovědi: 1) 2 ; 2) 12 ; 3) 6 ; 4) 0 ; 5) 8 ; 6) 7 ; 7) 3 ; 8) 9
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