Stupňování přídavných jmen

Vydáno dne 08.09.2006

Procvičte si tvoření a používání komparativu a superlativu v angličtině.

Do každé věty doplňte příslušný tvar přídavného jména v závorce (komparativ, nebo superlativ).

1. He is much ___________________________(1) (tall) than his brother.

2. Peter is 18. I think he's the ___________________________(2) (old) boy in our class.

3. Which country is ___________________________(3) (hot), Greece or Italy?

4. This book is ___________________________(4) (interesting) than the one I read last week.

5. Jennifer is very pretty. I think she's the ___________________________(5) (pretty) girl in the school.

6. I hate running. I think it's the ___________________________(6) (bad) sport.

7. Their house is very big, much ___________________________(7) (big) than ours.

8. Do you know the song ‚With or Without You‘? It's their ___________________________(8) (famous) song.

9. I've just returned from Greece. It was the ___________________________(9) (good) holiday in my life.

10. Our garden is very small. We'd like to have a ___________________________(10) (large) one.

Správné odpovědi: 1) taller ; 2) oldest ; 3) hotter ; 4) more interesting ; 5) prettiest ; 6) worst ; 7) bigger ; 8) most famous ; 9) best / the best ; 10) larger
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