Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Words from the English language FAQ (page 10)
verb - to take air inside your body and let it out (through your nose and mouth into your lungs and out)
verb - to make something happen
adjective - ordinary, usual
noun - a serious illness
noun - fine powder with small particles of dirt and sand etc. that usually covers things in your home if you don't clean very often
noun - the taste of something
noun - one of the food items you need in order to cook something
noun - a small creature, usually with six legs, e.g. a fly, beetle, bee, etc.
noun - one of the signs in an alphabet, the smallest part of a word
noun - one of the two organs that you use for breathing
adjective - the correct one, the right one, the one suitable for the particular situation
noun - a set of instructions for cooking something
noun - a kind of study of natural laws etc, e.g. physics, biology etc.
adjective - connected with science
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