Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Words from the text on page 15
verb - to endure something, to accept something difficult, to be responsible for something
adjective - very proud and thinking that he/she is very special
adjective - learning and understanding easily, intelligent, wise
noun - the part of the body where the arm can bend in the middle
noun - a thought, a mental picture
verb - to form a picture in your mind
verb - to be very happy or amused and show it with an expression on your face and with sounds
verb - to move your head forward and down to express agreement, acceptance etc.
verb - to lightly touch someone with the palm of your hand
verb - to lift something up, to make something higher
noun - a line of seats (in a theatre etc.)
adjective - afraid of something, feeling fear
noun - a kind of study of natural laws etc, e.g. physics, biology etc.
verb - to use a needle and thread on a piece of cloth (e.g to make clothes etc.)
verb - to behave somehow towards a person
noun - a part of a hospital for patients with a problem of the same kind
adjective - very tired
verb - to close and open your eye very quickly, usually when you want to give an unspoken signal to somebody
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