Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Words from the text about brains, page 4
preposition - in the opinion of, as stated by
adjective - exact, completely correct
verb - to gain a success, to be successful in completing something, usually thanks to hard work
adjective - wonderful and exciting
noun - a living thing
noun - the organ that we have inside our head, we need it to think and feel etc.
adjective - able, having a capacity to
verb - to come to the end of; to form an opinion at the end of something that you have gone through
verb - to say what you can see in/at something, to give a picture of something in words
verb - to make something better, larger, more active, more complex, etc.
noun - a written sign representing numbers 0-9
noun - trying hard, using strength
verb - to give somebody hope, strength etc. in order that he can do something
adjective - very big
adverb - sufficiently, as much as is needed, to a sufficient degree
adverb - accurately, correctly
verb - to believe that something will happen because it seems likely
adjective - special, not common or usual
verb, American English - to be unsuccessful in something
adjective - well known, not strange
adverb - more distant; in a better way, to a higher degree
noun - a fairy tale creature that looks like a very big, tall and strong man
verb - to finish the studies at a high school, college or university
adverb, formal - but, although
verb - to form a picture in your mind
verb - to make better
adjective - not completely correct; with mistakes
verb - to include someone or something in an activity, to make use of something or somebody in an activity
verb - to match one thing with another, to connect or join
verb - to learn something in order to remember it exactly
noun - thoughts and feelings etc, the part of the brain that does the thinking etc.
adjective - special, greater than usual
noun - the time before now, before the present
adjective - exact, accurate
noun - a person who studies the human mind
adjective - showing something as it really is; assuming things to be as they really are
adjective - happening at fixed times
verb - to answer
noun - learning or studying about something in order to discover new information or develop new things
verb - to concentrate on one field only in order to be very good at it
verb - to say something, to give a piece of information; to declare
noun - something that has been said or written
noun - a way of doing something, a method
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