Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Wirting, p. 12–13
noun - a place to stay
adjective - able to be obtained or reached
verb - to stop being boyfriend and girlfriend, to break such a relationship
verb - to end something, e.g. a fight etc.
verb - to start speaking about a topic in a discussion etc.
verb - to look after and care for a child until it is adult
verb - (of the weather) to become good
verb - to make something clean and tidy
noun - a bus used for travelling for longer distances
verb - to put something into the envelope with a letter, e.g. a photo, a document etc.
noun - the price of accommodation that includes all the meals of the day
verb - to surrender, to go to the police when they are trying to find you and arrest you
verb - to stop doing something, usually a habit etc.
adverb - beforehand
verb - to supply, to give
noun - doing something too quickly; a situation in which you do something very quickly, esp. because there isn't enough time
verb - to have something in common, to use one thing together with somebody else
adjective - resistant to water, not allowing it to go through
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