Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Vocabulary concerning success etc., pages 16–17
adjective - wanting and expecting to achieve great things in life
noun - the way something or somebody looks like
adjective - feeling guilty and embarassed because you have done something bad
verb - to feel guilty and embarassed because you have done something bad
adjective - having been decided, having made up your mind about something
adjective - not the same
adjective - obeying rules and commands
verb - to get money from working
adjective - very big
noun - lack of success
verb - to let somebody have something, to hand something over to somebody
adjective - working very much
verb - to be defeated (in a game, fight etc.)
noun - things that happen by chance, esp. good things
adjective - not having much money, not wealthy
adjective - feeling good about yourself because of what you are, what you have or what you have done
verb - to get, usually without having to pay for it
adjective - having a lot of money and wealth, not poor
adjective - alike; not different from
adjective - (about a person) very thin
adjective - powerful, able to lift heavy things
noun - something you have managed to achieve; a good result, the act of achieving something
adjective - very small
adjective - not strong; not having much energy or power
adjective - not thin or skinny, strong, having muscles and strong body
verb - to come first in a race, competition, game or fight
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