Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Words from the text, pages 16–17
preposition - in opposition to, disagreeing with
verb - to gain a success, to be successful in completing something, usually thanks to hard work
noun - the name of a product that makes it special (e.g. Nike, Adidas)
noun - trust in something or somebody
noun - a written legal agreement
noun - a kind of behaviour that obeys rules and commands
noun - trying hard, using strength
noun - the director of a school (male)
adverb - in the place of
verb - to make somebody believe something, esp. that they should do something
noun - something that you get because of something good you have done
noun - a small number or amount of something that represents all the rest
noun - a large shop
verb - to manage to do something you want, to manage to achieve something
verb - to start doing a regular activity, such as a sport or hobby etc.
adjective - highest
noun - the things or area that you can see from a particular place, e.g. from a window or a lookout point
noun - the sport in which you lift heavy things
verb - to do physical exercise, esp. at a gym
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