Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Other words from the text, page 30–31
noun - a person who is of age, not a child or a teenager
noun - the way that you act
noun, British English - somebody who looks after a person who is too young, ill etc.
noun - a choice you make after having thought about the options
noun - the money you give away for something, the cost of something (in money)
verb - to use weapons or your own body to try to defeat somebody, usually in a violent way
adjective - taking a child who needs care into your home and bringing them up, but not adopting them
noun - the force produced by pressing something
verb - to move your hand to touch something, to move your hand up in order to do something
noun - a member of the same family
adjective - thinking only about himself/herself, not about other people or their needs
adjective - connected with meeting people
verb - to find an answer to something, to solve something
adjective - thinking about other people and their needs
verb - to behave somehow towards a person
adverb - unluckily
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