Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Sepaking section, words concerning food, page 47
verb - to love something very much
adjective - man-made, not natural
noun - a mixture of flour, milk and eggs used in cooking (e.g. for making pancakes or coating food before frying)
noun - a thick fat milk product
adjective - very tasty, very good or pleasant, cute
verb - to hate something very much
noun - a prepared food
noun - a special meal of many dishes for many people, usually celebrating something
noun - the taste of something
adjective - new, newly made, not old or tired, having much energy
adjective - having a lot of fat in it
adjective - full of or covered with fat
adjective - without an illness
noun - a plant used in medicine or cooking
adjective - of a very spicy taste that causes a burning feeling in your mouth
noun, British English - fried long thin pieces of potatoes
adjective - having little fat in it
adjective - not having strong, hot or spicy taste
noun - spaghetti, macaroni, lasagna etc.
noun - a vegetable in the shape of a round green seed, it grows in pods
noun - a red or green or yellow vegetable with a sweet or hot taste
noun - a hot spice used in cooking
adverb - maybe, possibly
noun - a tropical fruit, yellow inside with brown skin and stiff leaves on top
verb - to make something ready, to get ready
noun, British English - a sweet dish usually eaten after the main meal, a dessert
adjective - not cooked or processed in another way
noun - a food grain that is grown in wet and hot places, it is usually white, it is very popular in China
adjective - decayed, gone bad
adjective - tasting of salt
noun - a kind of cooked liquid that is eaten with various kinds of food
adjective - (of a dish) not sweet, containing salt and spices
noun - a kind of plant that grows in the sea
verb - to put food on the table, to give food to somebody
noun - the amount of something that can fit on a spoon
adjective - covered with a substance similar to glue
verb - to think, to have an opinion that
adjective - lovable, making you feel happy
adjective - not tasting good, or having no taste at all
adjective - having good taste or flavour
noun - something that tries to persuade you to do something bad
adjective - (of meat etc.) soft and easy to cut, opposite of 'tough'
noun - (of meat etc.) hard and difficult to cut, opposite of 'tender'
adjective - not healthy
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