Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Vocabulary section, pages 56–57
noun - the gases surrounding a planet
noun - a snow storm
noun - light wind
noun - the gasses that are created when something is burned or when people or animals breathe out
noun - the usual weather of a particular place
noun - a period of time with no rainfall
noun - the world where we live
noun - a situation in which water rises above its usual level and covers places that are normally dry
noun - a white cloud that makes it difficult to see
noun - a large area of land covered with trees
noun - something mined from the ground which we burn in order to produce enery, e.g. coal, oil, etc.
noun - a very strong wind
noun - the surface of the earth
noun - a period of time with very high temperature and no rain
noun - a small and low mountain, a raised piece of ground
noun - a piece of land in the middle of a sea, ocean, lake etc.
noun - a very large area of water, much bigger than a sea
noun - the force produced by pressing something
noun - the drops of water that fall from the sky
noun - a large body of salty water, smaller and not as deep as an ocean
noun - frozen water in the form of a soft white material
noun - very strong wind together with rain, sometimes with thunder and lightning etc.
noun - the yellow star that shines in the sky and gives us heat and light
noun - rain, thunder and lightning together
noun - the condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow etc. at a certain time at a certain place
adjective - appearing or happening over a large area
noun - moving air
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