Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Words form the text about environment, page 57
verb - to have an influence on something, to make something change
noun - a reason for something, somebody or something that makes something happen
noun - black or dark brown material dug out of the earth which is burned to give heat
noun - the things that are grown in a field etc. when they are harvested
verb - to become impossible to see or find
noun - a serious illness
noun - a result of something
verb - to become or make bigger and larger
noun - a situation in which the temperature on the planet rises slowly and steadily
noun - a situation in which the heat cannot escape from Earth though the atmosphere and makes the planet warmer
noun - a very very strong wind that causes much damage
noun - a person who lives on an island
verb - to change into a liquid or to something soft (e.g. chocolate or cheese)
adverb - of course, as you would expect
verb - to get up, to get upright
adjective - covered with rocks, made of rocks
verb - to become or make bigger, wider, longer etc.
noun - an image or model of a person or animal etc, made of stone or metal etc.
adjective - not usual, difficult to understand
noun - a metal container in which some food can be bought (e.g. meat, fruit, sardines etc.)
noun - a very large amount
verb - to catch somebody or something in a way that they cannot escape
adjective - having no trees
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