Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Words from the texts about new fruit, page 58
noun - quantity
adjective - able to be obtained or reached
adjective - advantageous or suitable
verb - to make something better, larger, more active, more complex, etc.
noun - a machine, an apparatus
adverb - in the end, finally
adjective - accurate, completely correct
verb - to put something in a place that is the right size, shape, kind etc.
adjective - (about drinks) full of little bubbles
noun - the taste of something
adverb - towards the front
verb - to make better
verb - to put medicine into the body through the skin by using a thin needle, to put liquid in something in a similar way
noun - the act of creating something new
noun - a new machine, design etc. that nobody has come up with before
adjective - thinking of new ideas, full of new ideas
adverb - nicely, in an arranged way
verb - to put things into containers, cases, boxes etc.
verb - to supply, to give
verb - to turn over and over
noun - the act of selling things
verb - to shine with many small flashing lights
adjective - not round
adjective - not curled or bent or curved
adverb - in a successful way
verb - to tickle lightly
verb - to become warmer, to make warmer
noun - a large, heavy fruit with a red and very juicy middle and a very thick skin
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