Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Speaking section, page 61
noun - the goal or purpose
noun - the things that a person would like to achieve in his life
noun - the anniversary of your birth that you celebrate every year
noun - the succession of jobs you have
verb - to be happy about something and show it by having a party, etc.
noun - an occassion when you are happy and enjoying yourself because something good has happened or because it is a special day (e.g. a birthday)
noun - things that interest people, e.g. music, films, theatres etc.
noun - something that happened, a happening
noun - the act of finishing a school successfully, the ceremony at the end of studies
noun - a person who is visiting somebody or visiting a place
noun - a church ceremony during which a baby is given a name
verb - to ask somebody to come to a place with you, e.g. to a party or cinema, or restaurant etc.
noun - things that happen by chance, esp. good things
noun - the way you get on with somebody
noun - something you have managed to achieve; a good result, the act of achieving something
noun - a place where something happened or where something should happen (e.g. a party etc.)
noun - a marriage ceremony
verb - to want something that can happen by luck, to want to do something
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