Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Writing a postcard, pages 64–65
adjective - quick to fight or argue
adjective - extremely bad
adjective - very good
adjective - very tasty, very good or pleasant, cute
adjective - having a terrible or extremely unpleasant taste, smell or look
adjective - absolutely great
verb - to spend your time doing nothing
adjective - nice and beautiful
adjective - wonderful, excellent
adjective - very unhappy
verb - to feel unhappy because something or somebody isn't with you
noun - a card with a picture on one side that you send to your friends by mail when you are on a holiday
adjective - acceptable, fair
adjective - stormy and violent, not quiet
adjective - not polite; behaving in an offending way
adverb - giving off an unpleasant or disgusting odour
verb - to continue to be somewhere; to live somewhere as a guest usually for a short time
adjective - making you feel stressed
verb - to get burned by the sun
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