Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Vocabulary section, pages 68–69
adverb - in/to a foreign country
verb - to make a formal request for something; to make a formal request for a job etc.
verb - to make something, e.g. a house or any kind of structure
verb - to create
adjective - ordinary, usual
verb - to get money from working
noun - a person or a firm that gives work to somebody
adjective - going down, decreasing
determiner - a small number of
noun - the things that you do for a living
verb, British English - to take care of something
verb - to search, to try to find something
noun - a chance to do something
verb - to keep from harm, to keep safe, to prevent damage or harm
verb - to supply, to give
noun - a document that proves that you have been trained in something and are able to do something
adjective - going up, increasing
noun - the money you get every month for the work you have done
verb - to do an activity with other people
verb - to start doing a regular activity, such as a sport or hobby etc.
adjective - rare, special, not like anything else
noun - a person does something from his own decision, esp. something not very convenient or profitable
noun - money that you get for what you do at work
noun - the job or activity you do, especially to earn money
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