Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Words from the text about volunteers, page 69
noun - a skill, something that you CAN do
noun - a place to stay
noun - a person who is of age, not a child or a teenager
noun - an exciting experience, usually unusual and sometimes dangerous
noun - something that someone tells you in order to help you and show you what you should do
noun - a small amount of money that can be spent
noun - a group of people living together with similar beliefs etc.
noun - something that is necessary so that something else can happen
noun - an aspect in which two or more things are not the same
noun, formal - a job
noun - excitement and strong desire
noun - knowledge or skill that you get from what you have gone through and from practice
adjective - (of a job) with the usual working hours
noun - a large ape with a strong black body
noun - a person who invites guests and takes care of them
adjective - difficult to believe
noun - a state of not needing or relying on anything or anybody
noun - doing something without having to be told
determiner - lots of, a great many of
verb - to ask if somebody would like something
adjective - happening only once in a person's life
noun - a view of the world, an attitude to the world
adjective - (of a job) with shorter working hours than usual
verb - to take part in, to be involved in something
noun - a kind of comment written by somebody who knows you, which gives your potential employer some information about your character, abilities etc.
verb - to clean something by rubbing it hard with an instrument, such as a stiff brush
verb - to get a job, buy a house, get married, have children, get a dog etc.
noun - the ability to do something well
verb - to look directly at something for a long time; to look at a person directly for a long time, which is unplesant for the person and impolite
noun - money you get from the goverment when you are unemployed etc.
adjective - doing something because you want to do it, not because you were told to
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