Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Grammar section, pages 70–71
verb - to be grateful for something, to realize the value of something and behave accordingly
noun - a large piece of luggage carried on the back
noun - travelling abroad only with a backpack
noun - a hollow place inside a rock or under the ground
noun - an activity of climbing into and exploring caves
noun - the rocks that form the coast of a sea
verb - to move up or down a steep place using your hands and feet
noun - the trust in oneself
noun - a situation that was not expected but has to be dealt with immediately
noun - the help you can give an injured person before a doctor arrives
verb - to make a higher number or larger amount of something, to raise
verb - not to have enough of something
noun - not enough, too little or too few
noun - a position of leading or being in charge of something or of a group of people
noun - a large rubber vehicle that is used to go down rivers
noun - the part of the river where the river flows very fast because it is going over rocks
verb - to save somebody from a harmful or dangerous situation (e.g. in the mountains etc.)
adjective - sure about yourself, your abilities, your opinions, etc.
adjective - obeying your own rules
noun - work in a team
preposition - all over something
noun - a large number of things of a similar kind
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