Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Speking section: a part-time job, page 73
noun, British English, informal - advertisement
noun - a formal written request
verb - to look after someone's child while the parents are not at home
noun - a person who looks after a child while the parents are not at home
adjective - healthy and strong
noun - a piece of paper that is supposed to be filled in with certain information
verb, British English - to take care of something
adjective - needed to do something, important to have in order to do something
adjective - friendly and interested in other people, not shy or selfish
adjective - happening before
noun - a fixed price or cost of something
verb - to demand, to need something
verb - to contact by using the telephone
noun - a wooden board fastened to the wall, you can put books, decorative objects, etc. on it
verb - to put things on top of one another, e.g on shelves in a shop etc.
verb - to be right for, to match something in look or appearance
noun - money that you get for what you do at work
noun - a woman who works in a restaurant, takes orders from customers and brings them food and drinks
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