Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Culture focus: words about colleges, page 74
verb - to take or receive sth
noun - a degree that you can get at a college after three or four years of studying
noun - providing food and drink for many people
noun - work with a computer, the skills needed for the work on a computer
noun - a kind of title you get when you graduate from a university, e.g. Ph.D., M.A., etc.
noun - a kind of examination that decides whether you can study at a particular school or not
noun - a year when a student doesn't go to school but decides to travel or do something else instead, usually before starting at a new school
noun - a mark that you get at school for a test or exam
verb - to finish the studies at a high school, college or university
noun - choosing between things, an option, several possibilities to choose from
adjective - connected with a different continent
adjective - having in mind one person or thing, not talking about things or people in general
verb - to be successful in a test or exam
verb - to use a house, flat etc. which is not yours (for money); to let somebody use your house, flat etc. for money
verb - to manage to do something you want, to manage to achieve something
adjective - only for a short time, not for ever
verb - to give a party
adjective - connected with the skills etc. that you need for a future job
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