Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Writing an application and CV, pages 76–77
noun - information in the newspapers or TV etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product, use a service etc.
adjective - wanting and expecting to achieve great things in life
noun - a formal written request
noun - (abbreviation) a formal list of your personal data, qualifications, experience, etc. used especially when you apply for a job
verb - to put something into the envelope with a letter, e.g. a photo, a document etc.
verb - to think about what happened
verb - to be expecting something pleasurable with longing
verb - to read something quickly
verb - to find something in a dictionary or directory etc.
adjective - taking a long time, never ending
noun - the place where something or somebody is or belongs
verb - to demand, to need something
noun - an answer or an action done as an answer to something
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