Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Words from the text on Jamaican bobsleighers, p. 82
verb - to let, to make possible, to enable
noun - a person who is just starting to do something, e.g. a sport, studying a language etc.
noun - a vehicle that moves down an icy track at great speed
verb - (of a machine) to stop working properly
noun - a person who trains a team
noun - an event where many people are trying to be the best and win
noun - the act of keeping your mind and energy on something
noun - things that are necessary for an activity
verb - to give somebody money to work for you; to pay for using something for a short time
noun - an island country in the Caribbean Sea south of Cuba, its capital is Kingston
verb - to joke about something
adjective - easy to see, easy to understand
adjective - causing pain, hurting
verb - to discourage; to persuade somebody to stop doing something because it is not a very good idea etc.
noun - a competition whose winner is the fastest one
verb - to found something
noun - a small vehicle on which you can slide over snow down a hill
verb - to start doing a regular activity, such as a sport or hobby etc.
noun - a special road used for racing
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