Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Word focus, page 92
verb - to take part in a competition etc. and try to win
noun - an event where many people are trying to be the best and win
noun - the activity of jumping into water
noun - the activity of swimming under water
verb - to make a contact with something, usually hard and violent
noun - an important sports event with a series of matches or competitions
verb - to express your happiness in a loud way, to support a sports team or a sportsman by loud noise
noun - a game for two people played on a black and white board, each player has 16 playing pieces and must capture the opponent's king
noun - running to keep fit
verb - to hit something with your foot
verb - to be defeated (in a game, fight etc.)
noun - a 42 kilometre-long run
verb - to get a point in sport, e.g. in football by kicking the ball into the goal
noun - the activity of going under water with special equipment including an air bottle
noun - a place where a sport or game is played
noun - a group of people who work together or do a sport together
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