Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Listening and Speaking, pages 98–99
noun - a vehicle that travels through the air, it has two wings
verb - to make somebody laugh or have fun
noun - a wild plant that has pink or white flowers and leaves made up of three parts (sometimes four)
noun - a place in a foreign country with diplomats who represent their own country
noun - a person whose job is to catch fish
noun - a clover leaf made up of four parts, it is believed to bring good luck
noun - a piece of metal that is fastened to a hoof of a horse, it looks like the letter 'U'
noun - a person whose job is to clean chimneys
noun - an arrangement in which you pay some money to a company and if something bad happens to you or your property, they pay the cost etc.
noun - a company that people pay some money and if something bad happens to them or their property, it pays the cost etc.
noun - a piece of equipment that is used to climb up something, it consists of two long pieces of wood or ropes on the sides and steps between them
adjective - having good luck
verb - to invent something which is not true
noun - a piece of news presented on TV or in a newspaper
adverb - on a ship etc.
verb - to act like something is true but it is not, to act in a deceptive way
noun - a sport in which you go on a boat with a sail
adjective - not being lucky, having bad luck
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