Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Culture focus: wonderful places, page100
noun - a member of a race that lived in a country before anyone else
adjective - connected with the people who lived in a country before anyone else
verb - to cut wood or stone into a special shape; to cut a pattern on the surface of something, usually wood or stone
noun - a hollow place inside a rock or under the ground
verb - to think about something in a particular way
noun - relation to somebody who lived in the past, family origin
verb - to stop doing something, usually a habit etc.
adjective - belonging to or related to a god
adjective - extremely big, giant
noun - the leader or the head of a tribe, group etc.
noun - a place where something is built, happens or grows etc.
verb - to be surprised, to wonder
noun - something built as a memory of something or somebody
adjective - extended; reaching far; spread wide
verb - to speak to a god
adjective - connected with a god, respected by religious people
noun - an artist who makes sculptures
noun - a kind of a statue of a person or an object made from stone, wood etc.; the art of making these things
noun - the importance of, the meaning of
noun - a place where something happens or happened; a place where construction takes place
noun - an image or model of a person or animal etc, made of stone or metal etc.
noun - a floor in a building
noun - the time when the sun disappears from the sky in the evening
adjective - not knowing about something
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