Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Vocabulary section, pages 108–109
verb - to make plans for something and make necessary preparations
noun - a scientist who studies the stars
verb - to be published or released
verb - to think of something for the first time
verb - to find or see something that nobody has seen or even known of before you
preposition - at some point while something goes on
verb - to discover, to receive information
verb - to stop being angry about something bad that somebody has done to you
noun - a piece of news that is not true but tries to make people believe it
verb - to make a higher number or larger amount of something, to raise
verb - to come up with something, a design, machine etc, that nobody has come up with before you
noun - a person who makes something new, e.g. a machine or design, that nobody has come up with before
noun - a person who writes articles for a newspaper or a magazine
verb - to make something understandable
verb - to invent something which is not true
verb - to make a book etc. and make it available to the people
verb - to hurry; to do something too quickly
noun - a person who studies or teaches biology, or chemistry, physics etc.
verb - to found something
conjunction - up to that time
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