Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Reading about the moon hoax, pages 108–109
verb - to agree, often unwillingly, that something is true
noun - the goal or purpose
adjective - funny or entertaining, making you smile
noun - a piece of text in a newspaper or magazine
noun - (the chemical element of atomic number 29) a soft reddish yellow metal
verb - to make something, to cause something new to exist
noun - a living being, an animal
noun - an account of what something looks like
noun - something that has been found
adjective - very big
noun - intensive pleasure and/or thrill
verb - to let something be seen or known
adjective - willing to give things away, not mean
adjective - happening or concerning the whole world
adjective - smooth and shiny
noun - a piece of news that is not true but tries to make people believe it
adjective - looking like a human being
noun - a diagram or a similar kind of drawing that gives you some information
noun - a map of the sea, space etc.
verb - to see if something is all right
adjective - difficult to believe
noun - a scientific magazine
noun - new information
noun - a place from which you can watch the stars using a telescope
noun - large pieces of paper printed with latest information about politics, sport, culture etc., often published every day
verb - to act like something is true but it is not, to act in a deceptive way
noun - information about something that has happened, often in a newspaper, TV etc.
noun - several things that come one after the other; a television programme with many separate episodes (each has its own story)
noun - a flow of water over land or in the sea or ocean
noun - an instrument that enables you to see very distant objects, or see them better
noun - an act that is used to deceive you
noun - one of the two parts that birds use for flying, one of similar part on an aircraft that enables it to fly
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