Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Grammar section: The Internet, pages 110–111
noun - a bell or signal that is used to warn people
noun - the act of starting a fight suddenly and with violence
adjective - not simple, not easy to understand
verb - to think about something carefully
noun - a piece of electrical equipment which you use for washing the dishes
noun - a refrigerator that keeps food frozen
noun - a piece of electrical equipment where you store food in order to keep it cold and fresh
verb - to set on water (a boat etc.), to send into space (shuttle, sattelite etc.)
noun - a word, a phrase or a web address on a web page that, when you click on it, will take you to a different page or a different website
noun - an kind of oven in which you can cook things very quickly
adjective - connected with the army
noun - a device that connects the computer to telephone lines in order to send and receive e-mails and connect to the internet etc.
noun - a connection of two or more computers, usually by cables
adverb - at the present time, not in the past
verb - to meet again, to be together again
verb - to get, usually without having to pay for it
noun - learning or studying about something in order to discover new information or develop new things
adjective - opposite or happening the other way around
noun - one part of the progress, level
verb - to change one thing into another
verb - to send signals by radio waves etc.
verb - to change or to make something change
noun - a machine that you use to wash your clothes
noun - a spider's net
noun - a place on the internet containing a set of pages with information etc.
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