Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
LIstening section: Mars attacks, page 112
preposition - in opposition to, disagreeing with
noun - something that has been managed, esp. through hard work etc.
noun - a person who travels into space
verb - to do what is needed to do with something, esp. a problem etc.
noun - the act of examining something new carefully
verb - to examine something new carefully
noun - a man, a woman or a child
noun - mankind, all the people in general
verb - (of a plane) to come from the air to the ground
verb - to make water, air, soil etc. dirty
noun - water, air, soil. etc. being dirty
noun - a group of people or animals that have the same shape, size, color etc.
noun - learning or studying about something in order to discover new information or develop new things
verb - to find the answer to a question or problem, to find a way of dealing with a difficult situation
noun - the immensely huge place where there are stars, planets etc.
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