Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Listening: At a train station, page 124
adverb - onto a ship, plane, train etc.
noun - a flying vehicle, a plane or a helicopter etc.
noun - a building from which you can take a plane
noun - information given to people
noun - the time when a plane, bus, train etc. comes or is scheduled to come
verb - to get on a ship or plane
noun - one of the parts which a train consists of
noun - the fact that something happens later than it was planned
verb - to leave the station; to leave
noun - the time when a train, plane, bus etc. leaves or is scheduled to leave
noun - the place where you are going or aiming to get to; the goal of a journey
noun - a place at an airport that is used by passengers to get on or off a plane
noun - the place and situation in which you check in at an airport
adjective - happening during a journey by plane
noun - a person who travels somewhere on a bus, train, plane etc.
noun - the part of a railway station where you get on or off a train
noun - an area with hard surface used by aircraft to land or take off
noun - a sound, gesture, action etc. that is meant to give a message to somebody, warn, command etc.
noun - a place where you can take a train
verb - (of a plane) to leave the ground and get into the air
noun - a set of two steel rails running side by side that a train travels along
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