Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Words from the retold version of Poe's poem The Raven
noun - the hard mouth of a bird
verb - to hit something repeatedly
noun - a statue that shows only the upper part of a person's body (chest, neck and head)
adjective - quiet and peaceful
verb - to make a harsh, unpleasant sound; to speak in a very harsh unpleasant voice
noun - absence of light
noun - a very evil ghost or spirit
noun - an mythical evil character that lives in hell and has two horns on his head
verb - to become less painful, difficult, unpleasant, serious etc.; to make something less painful, difficult etc.
noun - a sound that is reflected off flat surfaces, e.g. off the wall of a rock, cliff, etc.
verb - to examine something new carefully
verb - to make somebody terrified or scared
adverb - in a gentle way
noun - a female god
verb - to make somebody become healthy again, to become healthy again
verb - to make a short pause before you do something, esp. because you are not sure if it's a good idea
verb - to pick something up, to put something higher
noun - great poverty, unhappiness, suffering etc.
noun - something which is impossible or difficult to understand
verb - to defeat something, to win over something
noun - the feeling you have in a part of body that has been hurt
noun - a place where, as some people believe, good people go after they die, where everything is perfect and everybody happy
verb - a to look at something closely, carefully, esp. when it is difficult to see
noun - a large black bird (Corvus corax) that croaks unpleasantly
noun - a dark shape that is made by an object or person etc. when it blocks out light
noun - great sadness
noun - the part of a person which is not physical, the spiritual part of a person
noun - an image or model of a person or animal etc, made of stone or metal etc.
noun - very strong wind together with rain, sometimes with thunder and lightning etc.
adjective - not usual, difficult to understand
verb - to hit something lightly, usually with your fingers or feet
noun - very great fear
conjunction - if
verb - to speak very quietly, without using the vocal chords at all
noun - moving air
noun - the ability to make good decisions because of your knowledge and experience
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