Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Words from the retold version of Saki's story ‚Tobermory‘
verb - to gain a success, to be successful in completing something, usually thanks to hard work
noun - a wound or injury caused by the teeth of an animal
noun - a sharp nail of an animal
noun - a living being, an animal
noun - showing that you will not believe in something
noun - something that has been found
verb - to die by being underwater and unable to breathe, to let somebody die in this way
adjective - making you feel ashamed, uncomfortable or shy
noun - intensive pleasure and/or thrill
adjective - special, not common or usual
verb - to make oneself free from something unpleasant; to throw or give away something you do not want
noun - a person who is visiting somebody or visiting a place
noun - a dry explosive substance that is used in guns and other weapons to fire bullets etc.
adjective - belonging to people or being like people
adverb - at once, without waiting or delay
adjective - not interested in something; not caring about something
noun - a health problem, illness or pain caused by the stomach not working properly
noun - a part of the body that cleans the blood
adverb - in a way that is easy to see or understand
noun - the person who something belongs to
noun - a small room where you store food
noun - a substance that can kill you when you eat or drink it
adjective - not rude; having good manners
verb - to make a liquid flow somewhere
adjective - able to be trusted or relied on
noun, informal - words that are not or cannot be true; nonsense
noun - a person who works in somebody's household, usually as a cook, gardener etc.
verb - to pour something out by accident
noun - a place where people keep horses and/or other animals
noun - the topic or theme that is talked about
adjective - having what you wanted; popular, rich, famous
noun - a light afternoon meal
noun - a male cat
adjective - not balanced, not steady
adjective - unhappy or worried
noun - the sound that comes from your throat when you speak
noun - a sudden strong feeling which spreads quickly
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